Period FT. Ohne


I started my period at ten years old. I still remember the moment 'till this day. I couldn't contain my excitement, I ran downstairs to tell my mum that I was now a 'woman'. I then ran back upstairs to listen to Britney Spears 'I'm not a girl', and free bled into my kickers, hips swaying, grin beaming. For ten-year-old me, this was the true marker of maturity. I couldn't be seen as a child anymore, I get my period. My mum actually didn't believe me at first, but I gave her the evidence and watched her eat her words. She looked at me and said, 'well, you know you can't mess around with boys now'. 

The initial excitement wore off as quickly as it came. I was occasionally sent home from primary school, suffering from agonising cramps. My period was and still is very heavy. I wore the thickest, most uncomfortable pads, that I could've sworn were visible through my jeans. I experienced vomiting, blacking out, intermittent dizzy spells - you name it. I was also terrified of tampons (like many young kids), so it was exclusively sanitary towels for me until around 14, leading to countless mortifying public accidents - I became accustomed to carrying a hoodie around with me in case I needed a swift cover-up. Ibuprofen helped, but I often couldn't eat, and they were rough on my empty stomach. My PMS was off the chain, I was almost a completely different person during the week leading up to my period (more on this another day). Basically, I dreaded my time of the month, for clear reasons. I envied those who used tiny tampons and had painless three day bleeds - like, I want a cute dainty period too! I knew I wasn't alone in my experiences, my cousin was on some kind of 'special medication' to stop her from fainting on her period. I knew a girl from school that could barely keep her food down. I thought this was all a norm: a part of mensuration that we all have to put up with. 

Adulthood has shown me the factors that can influence your experience of your period. Genetics, endometriosis, hormone Imbalances and PCOS, to name a few. Like countless other people who menstruate, I've spent years researching and getting to understand how and why my body reacts the way it does. One of the major players in making my period more manageable, healthier and sustainable, was looking into what sanitary products I use - like, what's really in those tampons that I've never second-guessed to put inside me? I also started to question what medication I choose to consume to cope with the pain each month - as paracetamol has always been a hit and miss, sometimes only sleeping it off will do (not practical, tbh). 

Over the past few years, I have seen more and more sustainable/organic period brands infiltrate mainstream supermarkets shelves. More alternatives to your standard pad and tampon are being created, and the stigma surrounding menstruation is lessening in western society (of course there's still SO much to be done in regards to period poverty, sustainability and inclusivity). 

I've recently tried sustainable period brand Ohne - A brand that I have had my eye on for a while now, drawn in by their cute, fun representation of periods. Ohne sells 100% organic tampons that are also 100% biodegradable. They offer a subscription postal service to make your life easier (so you never have to do the awkward tissue wadded shop run for tampons, lol) and this means 0 tampon tax also. Ohne also has CBD cramp care to pop in your tea or orally dose. This month I was eagerly excited to receive my Ohne package, and coincidentally had the period from hell, so it came just on time. 

Photo A (Yours, hormonally)

Photo A (Yours, hormonally)

It felt good to know that I was doing my bit for the environment by not contributing to the 200,000 tonnes (I know, wtf) of waste per year generated by single-use applicators and non-sustainable pads and tampons, by switching to a biodegradable alternative. I am always hesitant when trying out new period products because of my heavy flow - but Ohne kept me leakproof the whole time (and believe me, that's not a simple task, hah). I'm becoming increasingly aware of the harmful chemicals and BPA's that are in mainstream tampons and pads - and how they can be absorbed into your body, so knowing that these tampons were 100% organic put my mind at ease. Their CBD supplement, infused with avocado and MCTYours, hormonally (photo A) intrigued me, as I'd never thought of looking into a supplement to help tame my uncontrollable hormones. Unfortunately, I'd continuously forget to incorporate it into my routine, and usually need help with hormone control before my period starts - but look forward to testing it next month to see what impact it has on my body. 

I know finding the product that specifically works for you can be a long series of trial and error. Still, I encourage anybody who menstruates to test a more environmentally friendly or organic brand during your next cycle and see how you feel (there's SO many to choose from), I'm almost sure you'll wonder why you hadn't sooner. 


Skin: Tired Faace


skin: Neighbourhood botanicals - the daily glow